Friday, November 7, 2008

Vintage Jesus

No, I am not a speed reader. :) I have been slowly reading Vintage Jesus over the past few months during my devotional time in the morning. The authors, Mark Driscol & Gerry Breshears, seek to answer "timely questions" by breaking it down into a number of sub-questions about Jesus, including Is Jesus the only God? Why did Jesus come to earth? Did Jesus rise from death? Why should we worship Jesus? and others. If you're thinking...well, I already know the answers to those questions; that's what I thought too, but I was encouraged by the reminder! If you're curious about the answers to those questions, I would encourage you to pick up this book! It's full of facts and references that will blow your mind ;) Also, Mark Driscol is quickly becoming my favorite author. His writing is very humorous (literally, I've laughed out loud a few times), not always politically correct, and best of all, you can tell he is very passionate about Jesus. He's "keepin' it real," as they say. I could read this book everyday for the next 20 years, and still have things to learn! very thought provoking...a recommended read!


-L said...

Hi! I'm following your blog, will you follow mine? Visit and become a follower! Thanks!

a bridge said...

I totally agree. I only have a few more chapters left and that's saying a lot for a person who doesn't like to read:)