Well, it was quite a night, to say the least! Here's how it all went down... :)
We left around 1:00 with Megan and Andy. Had a fun ride up to Chicago, parked their neon "Chicago-style" (should have gotten a picture of that!...nice work Andy) and headed into their hotel.
We left around 1:00 with Megan and Andy. Had a fun ride up to Chicago, parked their neon "Chicago-style" (should have gotten a picture of that!...nice work Andy) and headed into their hotel.
From there, we headed to a "Trip-Advisor-Approved restaurant", Exchequer, where we had a great lunch. We were getting pumped for the concert and hoping the rain would stay away.
(Picture posted above, courtesy of Megan Andrews Bowman Photography)
When we finally arrived at the concert venue, we saw the sign below. Concert Delayed Until 9 P.M. ...Lovely...
Luckily Amy & JD were JUST pulling in, so we hopped in with them and went to Plan B--seek shelter, food for Amy & JD, and something to do for 2 more hours.
After taking shelter at Exchequer, we had no choice but to proclaim "poncho time" and run to the parking garage.
Made it to Northerly Island to discover the concert was still ON, hallelujah. We had a great time and O.A.R. was fun to see. It rained a couple more times throughout the concert, but no more "storms"--it's a good thing we all had multi-colored ponchos. Who's idea was that anyway??...oh yeah, mine ;)
Thanks to the Bowmans & the Bridges for a fun-filled, memorable evening. Great friends, Great times :)