Thursday, January 21, 2010

Funny Story

So, I have slowly been telling my students that I am expecting. It has been funny to hear their reactions. Today, I told a student in 5th grade (with cognitive delays). Here was our conversation:

Mrs. Fabish: Did you know that I am going to have a baby?

Student: What?! No. You didn't tell us that!

Mrs. Fabish: I know, I'm telling you now. :)


Mrs. Fabish: [trying not to laugh] Well, that would be MR. Fabish, my husband.

Student: Oh. Well you should celebrate!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aleni Elizabeth

I am an Auntie again (and will be saying that again very soon!) Rey, Liz and Noah Sanchez welcomed Aleni Elizabeth into this world on January 10th at 8:50 pm. We are so excited to meet you Aleni.

...Now if your Aunt Hannah has a girl, the boy-girl count will be even. :)

We love you and thank God for you Aleni!