Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Card

Okay, some of you may not be too happy about this...

We regret to inform you that we won't be doing a Christmas card this year... :/ The pressure got to us, the ideas never came together, and time slipped away! I decided that instead of throwing something together of low quality "creativeness"...I would rather just skip it. We'll call it the first of our budget cuts for the year to come. ;)

So don't think you got "axed" from the list. We'll catch you next year!!

You may rant in the comments section if you feel compelled. :-D

One more thing...MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Top 10 Pregnancy Questions

First of all, I want to apologize to all of you that continue to visit my blog, only to be dissapointed that there has been no update. 1) I guess I'm getting lazy and 2) there hasn't been anything to say! I'm sure that will be changing very soon. ;)

So here is my first pregnancy topic. I have been getting the same questions from everyone I talk here is everything you want to know (or could care less about). :)

1) When is your due date? June 19th. I am officially 13 weeks (and 2 days) :)

2) Are you and Josh SO EXCITED? Okay, this seems like an easy one to answer. But, right now, it's still so surreal that I haven't even allowed myself to be excited. I still can't grasp that this is happening to me. very strange.

3) Will you find out the sex of the baby? Yes, I believe we are going to. I have my first sonogram at 18 weeks, hopefully we can find out then. If not, it might not be until 30 weeks. Yikes! I'm excited to decorate and plan :)

4) Are you hoping for a boy or a girl? Here goes the old cliche, "either one is fine with me." :) But, really I would love to have a either! However, I will say this...If I never had a boy, I wouldn't be upset...but if I never had a girl, that would be a different story. ;)

5) What do you THINK the baby might be...boy or girl? I honestly don't get how anyone can "know" that. As of now, I have no thoughts on that :) I'm getting mixed reviews from people about boy/girl. Most people are saying boy (mostly b/c of Josh's 7 brothers)...with the exception of three :)

6) Have you been sick? Yes, I was mildly nautious. Thank the LORD that is over! I had to eat about every 1-2 hours in the morning. All of my speech kids were jealous of the food. "Did you bring mini donuts for us?!?!" sorry. Life isn't fair; you should learn that now ;)

7) Have you had any cravings? Nothing overwhelming. I would say I have had more food aversions, than cravings. So far the only cravings have been: warm tortillas with cheese from Chevy's (which Josh won't give in to. he hates Chevy's for some reason) and a chocolate shake from Steak & Shake. Oh! and a chili dog from Dairy Queen. haha, I THINK that's all ;)

8) Do you have any names picked out? Are you sharing them? Yes, J.J. Junior if it's a boy.

...(yes we have some names we like, and NO we won't be sharing them with you!)

9) Are you showing yet? If that your pants fit? Then, yes I'm showing. But to most people, I'm sure they just think I need to lose a few ;)

10) Well...I can't think of a good #10. Top 9 just doesn't have the same ring to it. :) So this is where you can ask anything that is still on your mind... ;)