Monday, May 17, 2010


When people ask me if I have any pregnancy cravings, I typically answer "no." Nothing ever seems like an "over the top" craving. I definitely don't have any strange cravings, but one that has really developed has been my love affair with fruit! :) Throughout my whole pregnancy, it has always sounded good. When I've had the opportunity to have fresh fruit within the last few months, I usually go on and on about how good it is. I even picked up frozen fruit over the winter, so that I could have some resemblance of fresh... Last night I "broke" and insisted that we go to the store at 8:00 to get fruit. Josh, with some persuading ;) , decided to accompany me (I'm horrible at picking ripe fruit!). This is what we came back with. We got lucky with the watermelon! It's to die for! The cantaloupe...not as good, but it will do. I'm looking forward to a week with fruit at my fingertips! ...Not a craving to complain about, right???