We had a very bizarre happening in our house last night. Amy, Josh and I were down in the basement watching TV. All of a sudden, we hear someone come in through the garage door (quite loudly). We all look at eachother, and think...could it be JD? Who IS that?! We hear nothing...hmm...strange. who else would it be? So Josh heads upstairs to scope it out. He walks upstairs to find a STRANGER eating CHIPS & SALSA in our KITCHEN!!! (it was left out on the counter) WHAT?!?! The conversation is as follows:
Josh: Dude, you're in the wrong house.
"Dude": What? No, this is Joe Harper's house.
Josh: Nnnno, this is my house.
"Dude": You're F****ing kidding me.
Josh: Nope, I'm not, you're in my house
"Dude" (proceeds to put a chip BACK in the bag) Oh man, I'm so sorry. I can't F****ing believe this. I feel like such a ***. etc. etc.
He continued to drop F-bombs and their many friends, as he walked out the door. We're pretty sure he was high. It was a very surreal moment, and I was sure glad Josh was home! Not sure WHAT I would've done if I was home alone!! Yikes! Lesson learned: Always keep garage door shut!!...and don't leave the chips and salsa out??? :)