Alright friends...I have a question/request of you. I'm curious who reads my blog. Every once in a while, I start to feel like I might be writing entries, simply for my own enjoyment (which is sad...haha). So! If you
just checked my blog and read this post, LEAVE A COMMENT! I want to know who you are! You probably fall into 1 of 2 categories. 1) Oh, she knows I read this blog...I don't need to comment. or 2) She'll really think I'm a stalker if I post a comment. To #1, I reply: Yes you do! ...and #2: I've been there. I am a fellow stalker. Be brave :)
I read your blog!!
I get it sent to my google homepage... every time you post, it shows up on my homepage. Mike showed me how to do it.
And, Mike's whole fellow church staff enjoyed free cappucino from Barnes and Noble, thanks to your blog. They all printed out their coupons and walked over there together in a group! Haha.
I like it. Keep up the good work- you are a great blogger, and you have only just begun!
you know i read your blog...if something doesnt go wrong ...entering my comment!!!!!! i enjoy it erin mommie!
Count me in :) I LOVE your blog!!!!
i check it! :)
ok, let's try this again...
i love reading your blog...and others ;) keep it up!
I love you Erin!
count me in. :)
Bobbie Jo
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