I've currently been reading the Shopaholic series. I read the first three, and there are three more to go. I thought I would enjoy some light-hearted reading. The first book was OKAY...but after the second and third, I got SO BORED!!! I barely finished the 3rd book, out of pure boredom with it...however, I really HATE abandoning a book, so I skimmed, and read every other chapter until the end. I felt like I was wasting my time! The series is very predictable and quite annoying at times. I realized I was "hungry" to read something with some meat (as far as novels go) :)

So I started in on "The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters"...LOVED IT! I finished it in two days (thanks to ISAT testing week)!! It was a sad, yet witty story about two sisters, and one of their battles with Leukemia.

Now I'm kind of on a roll, and I can't put my books down. I started "A Thousand Splendid Suns", lent to me by Rachel, and I'm currently half way through. (I FINALLY got to it Rachel!) I'm really enjoying this one too! I realized that I like a more serious, involved story :) "Chick Flick" stories are best left on the screen, not in a book. I just LOVE reading a good book!
Funny story...Last night it was past our bed time, and Josh and I were heading upstairs. However, I needed some closure with my book, so I brought it upstairs with me. I just needed to read ONE LAST chapter...anyone know what that's like? I knew Josh would scoff at that, so I kind of hid it on my way upstairs--smuggled it, if you will :) He saw me hiding it and he said, "What is that!?! It's after 10:00! I thought you were 'tired?'" I told him--you just don't understand...you haven't read a book since "Master Sniper" in 2005! -ha.
erin...you make me laugh
love it!! --Liz
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